Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Staying Motivated!

Ever hit the gym and wonder what to do or where to start? How does your body feel? Tired, weak, hung-over, exhilarated, or motivated? All the feelings you experience when walking into the gym or getting ready for a workout are NORMAL. You are not going to wake up EVERY MORNING and feel "excited" to workout...it's just not reality! Some mornings-yes. Other mornings (esp. when its raining outside)-no. I'm a trainer, LOVE working out, and constantly motivate others to STAY MOTIVATED...but there are some days I really want to just crawl back in bed, order take-out food, and catch up on my TIVO. I'm human! We all are! Don't get down on yourself for not being your own cheerleader every day of the week. However, those stay-in-bed-and-eat-till-you-drop days can be limiting...and not so good for your figure if repeated often! So I've decided to share some of my favorite motivating tips to keep that booty from sagging and that belly from expanding! My first step of advice is to GET A WORKOUT BUDDY. Say you have someone who wants to get fit, but just can't get started. A friend, co-worker, family member, neighbor, etc. Make a pact with that person that for 4 weeks (or more) you will each hit the gym 4 days a week (no matter what-even if you're on vacation!) and cook in at least 3 days a week. Contact each other every day through email or phone to let that person know how your progress is going, your daily workout, how you're feeling, struggles, etc. You will be surprised at how many people struggle with the same issues, and how the motivation of another person can get you going again. You don't want to be the one to break the pact, do you? Or worse, be the one who GAINS weight after the pact is finished while the other person looks fantastic? Nothing more ego-blowing than that! After 4 weeks (or the number of weeks each of you pact), get together to go grab coffees, pedicures, or meet at your favorite clothing spot to go over your fitness goals again and what you've accomplished! Studies show that when you hold someone else accountable for hitting goals, you work harder physically and mentally. Once you start, you won't be able to stop, especially with someone right there with you! The next tip I have is to PUT ON YOUR RUNNING SHOES. Even if you don't feel like working out, the action of putting on your shoes mentally prepares you for a workout and can change your mindset once you have them on your feet! Tell yourself you'll start by enjoying a nice walk outside and grab your ipod. Now you have a choice: you can speed walk (walking at a speed faster then your normal pace) for 45 minutes, or do a run/walk. Make a bet with yourself that if you run for 10 minutes, you can walk for 5. Try to repeat this action 3 times. Before you know it, you've just worked out for 45 minutes and listened to your favorite music to keep you moving! Another tip: If you have a treadmill or can go somewhere that does, put on your favorite show or grab a magazine-the time will fly by faster! Whatever you choose to do, just getting outside or hitting the treadmill will motivate you to go longer! The hardest part is putting your shoes on and walking out that front door...once that happens, its up to you to make the most of your time! My last tip is to WRITE DOWN GOALS AND MAKE A CHART. When we write down goals we visualize the outcome and make realistic steps on how to acheive them. If you want to get into smaller waisted jeans, write down ways to do that and stick with it. For example, eat at home 5 times a week, cut out white bread and sugar during the weekdays, eat breakfast every day, work out monday, wednesday, friday from 6-7am before work, etc. Make a chart with your goal listed on top and underneath a table divided into days of the week and goals for each day. You will be amazed at how accomplished you feel when you check off each day after completing your goal. This is one of the best ways to keep yourself on track, stay motivated and see the progress of what you have done. Plus, its kinda lame to lie to yourself and check off a goal that you didn't really do... I understand--its hard to get and stay motivated! There are so many excuses, so many hectic schedules, but we need to make it a priority for ourselves. Too many people are dying from obesity and too many kids are looking up to their parents and siblings for guidance, we need to set a better example on how to set goals and keep motivated in life. By using these tips and making appointments for your workouts, you will not just overlook that time of the day where you "should" workout, you will workout because its scheduled and its important to you and your health.


  1. Hi Jessica. I love all the advice you have given especially motivating myself which I find difficult. You often give advice about ways to lose weight, I on the other hand have trouble gaining weight, are there any foods you suggest that will help me gain weight in a healthy manner?

  2. Hi! Thanks for your post! You might not be getting enough calories throughout the day and/or burning calories more than you eat. Add an extra meal into your day so you're sure you are getting enough nutrients. Here are some healthy ideas:

    1. Add healthy fats. Nut butters (spread on toast or celery sticks, eat with fruit, add into smoothies), raw nuts (add to salads, alone as a snack, eat with fruit), olive oil (use when cooking and for salad dressings), olives (eat alone or add to salads), avocados (make guacamole, use on sandwiches, add to salads and wraps)

    2. Add more meat/protein. Chicken, steak, turkey, pork, roast beef, ham (make sure these are all lean cuts--add into sandwiches, salads, wraps, meals, or eat by itself). Eggs are also great! Make sure to use the egg yolk too, which will help you gain healthy weight. Protein helps build lean muscle mass!

    3. Add dairy. Cheese (eat with fruit, whole wheat crackers, add to sandwiches, wraps and salads), yogurt (top with honey or agave nectar, add almonds and other nuts, add fruit), low-fat milk with high-fiber cereal, oatmeal made with low-fat milk instead of water

    Hope these help! Let me know if you need any other suggestions :)

  3. Thanks for the advice! Been trying to gain weight for awhile now since I've always been underweight, I'll keep you updated :)
