Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Bikinis and Short Shorts--are you ready?!?

Spring is just around the corner, and while we all love the warmer weather, longer days and margarita-filled beach vacations, we all think about that one thing that haunts us all year...that itty bitty spring bikini and dang short shorts. I have good news for you: it's not too late to SHAPE UP! Here are a few tips to add into your workouts to gain more lean muscle mass and lose the fat around those areas you HATE: Incorporate more lunges, squats, triceps dips, push ups, planks, and leg lifts into your gym routine. Jump on the elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster, spin bike for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week, and take the workout outside 2 days a week: run stairs, hike mountains and trails, bike ride, jog around a safe neighborhood, or speed walk with friends for an hour. Don't get bored on the same routine! For belly-flattening foods, try and stick to clean foods that are naturally produced such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, eggs, lean meat, fish, nuts and dried fruit. I always try and eat really clean (esp. if I'm going on vacation where a bikini is worn most of the day), and DIET MATTERS MOST. Make the change, stick to it (you won't see results in 5 days people!), and you'll get into those short shorts and that lil' bikini...even if it kills you.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog happy I Checked it out! When I move back to LA I will be heading straight to you for training.
